Friday, January 23, 2009


Recylemania is a way to motivate those who have a "need to be rewarded immediately" to care about the environment. Well it's how societies are designed anyways. Top 1% of the population has the global perspective for long-term benefits and they design (at least ought to) the structure for the rest 99%.

I hope I get to see even more of such things starting this year! I am proud to be part of Temple :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration of power

I missed watching Obama's inauguration live but did watch it yesterday night and boy can we ever not learn something new from him! He is as focussed and empathetic and energetic and enabling as ever. I have always been thinking of America in a way which he beautifully orates but listening from him renews our timeless creed in hope, faith and hence dignity of life. His inauguration of power surely will help harness inner most powers of millions to maximize sustainable life on this planet.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Video wishes for 2009

With my recently discovered ability to add music to making videos I decided to convert my textual greetings into a visual one!